Curry Mela VI
Here I am, with The Curry Mela-VI
.. I do Hope you are still enjoying the mela.
This time have added some non-desi Blogs too though the name is curry.
I didn't want to be predictive you see.
Because of your continued support, I am getting fatter by the day lol...
That only calls for a work out schedule.
One must eat well isn't it??
But do work out to burn the
So, without further ado, let us start with this weekend's Curry Mela....
(PS: No copying of Photos please.. All the pictures posted here are copyrighted by respective blog owners do so take prior permission from bloggers if you do want to copy a Picture) **For me, a Link back as the source would suffice..

I am opening the mela this amazing Braided and baked FISH!! ( I have intentionally not put the Blogger's name so that you don't get biased) Food Democracy....
Have you ever tasted Milk Puris, here is your chance to do just that. Isn't it an amazing Dish. I can't wait to try it out..
I don't usually link to non-recipes but I could pass this on. The key to Indian Cooking, how spices mixes and blends- Secrets to the Indian cuisine revealed...I even thought of opening the meal with this but then I thought let me start with a recipe at least.
Ah, who don't love a real dark and sinful Chocolate Biscuits (not the chips kind)
Well this Fried Jalapenos with Roasted red pepper aioli was reall Red HOT
Have a nice look at the layout of this beautiful cheese sandwich, the recipe will make your mouth water.
Have I told you that this was perhaps a Sandwich week, Another Cheese Sandwich . Did anyone mention valentine's day???
Yet Another Cheese Sandwich , but heh, this is the ungrilled type... ( for a pleasant change)
Well, Estofado catalan is what this is. Check out the accompanying pictures and the amazing recipe.
If Food were love This cake is Hot sex, says the blogger. I couldn't agree more and There are more pictures..
Ah, ho I love pork. I haven't posted any pork recipe, have I? I was quite known for my pork recipes, belive me I can cook amazing pork. I don't where I will get prok nearby.. Anyway, all pork lover, check out this Pork Braised in Milk it is an amazing recipe too..
Aloo paratha always gives me pleasant nostalgia, so this Bajra Aloo Paratha was no less.
Prawns galore..... Era mita aka sweet prawns Prawns with a Twist says the Bachelor Chef.
Amazing shrikhand Imagine that you are dipping your finger and in a smooth motion you scoop up a finger full of shrikhand and slurp it... Ummm My imagination is running wild, i know I can do a lot more with Shrikhand.... And I was using Strawberry Ice-cream all the time....
Check out this Ghugni By Indira, if pictures could Kill I won't be writing now..
Carrots and peanuts , two of my favorite combo. Got to try this out soon....
Amazing array if fruits and vegetables in this Dry Salad, you must have come across it though
Another fruity dish, the Fruit Parcel., this small picture hides a beautiful preparation waiting to be unvieled..
She is a very dear blogger friend of mine who have promised me a full bengali Feast, but for now I have to do with this Doi Macch (Fish curd) Well, I tried Doi Chicken day before yesterday and it was amazing though a little sour.. lol.. Will post it soon
Aloo methi is another favorite dish of mine and it is a very healthy food too, but I cook in a little different way than this.. I will post it soon, but this is damn good I say..
And How did I miss these delectable Samosas in a Food mela.. Damn the feedreader.. But Good god, peas and potato Samosas can never go out style... Will remain by favorite snack food, Best had with some sweet Chutni....
Well I have a few more recipes without pictures, but please don't pass it., these are some amazing recipes which is why I have posted them.. just read the recipes and you will see.. You can visualize the picture right there.
Banana stem in yogurt curry.. I will try to cook it znd post a picture soon.. Because this is one of my favorite vegetables..
Ahh.. Nargisi Kofta, Nargisi Kofta..Nargisi Kofta.Nargisi Kofta.. guess what? I have all the ingredients so i am going to cook it tomorrow for lunch... It was a mouth watering recipe..
Bitter Gourd Curry is another healthy food. And this a very new way of cooking bitter gourd..
PS: If you do like the Curry Mela, please endorse this event on your blog. It would be very nice of you all.
Previous Curry melas
Technorati tag:: Curry Mela
just had a glimpse of all of the dishes up this week....will be back sometime in the even'...cheerios
Hi Anthony
You're doing a great job with this Curry Mela! :) Thanks to you I've discovered two recipes to try out from two blogs which I've not seen before!
Fantastic. Great pictures. I just had dinner and am already famished. Now I know how to get my wife interested in blogging.
Kudos on the great job once again! Found links to some blogs I haven't seen before, so thanks for that. And does it feel good to be included?
I do plan to give a heads up for this wonderful event on our blog. Let's see what I can come up with.
@ Meena, just done that.... somehow i forgot to update my feedreader.... how could i not like samosa lol
@ Mehak: be my Guest.. thanx for dropping by so often..and the my herb blogging below.. Its interesting.
@ Shammi: it was my pleasure...
@ Hiren: lol, that is a great idea.. you may browse the archives.
@ Sury: Thank you very much that you like it.... doi macch is my fav dish...
good spread!
Found some new recipes to try out...thanks to you,Tony.-:)
Another great curry mela!
this is a great blog trying the chocolate recipes...or atleast forcing my mom to make them for me, since im a princess, u knw i cant do it myself!
Nice job Anthony! Your mela showed me some more recipes which I have to try. Dear god the list is endless:-)
@ reshma: Thanks a lot..
@ Sailu: It was my pleasure lol.
@ Khizzy: Thanks a lot and ... Hmm.... There is a different pleasure in relishing something you have yourself created .. try it, Princess!! LOL
@ Ashwini: Pleasure was mine.. it was as much fun compiling it.. uploading the pictures was quite a task though lol...
Lovely roundup Anthony! I know just what you mean, pics are the toughest part in getting all posts together! Speaking of which, I'm waiting for a fab entry from you to the FMR event. Deadline comming up soon!! ;o)
Thank you meena.. And Yeah I agree.. Uploading the pic should be made more user friendly like multiple pictures lol.. And Dear friend, the entry is ready and in draft... ;-) will only need to publish.... I actually cooked the beet halwa for the same but then i saw that it was already entered in another event..
Hello Antony, thumbs up for a wonderful job. Keep it up.
i read all the posts tony ...skip a few non-veg recipes
@ Pushpa: Thank you, and do welcome back
@ Mehak: Hmm Very good.. you get an Will put up more vg recipes for you...
Hi Anthony- thanks for including my recipe. Glad that you liked the beet halwa. I discovered a few new blogs from your round-up. Thanks to you!
Hi Anthony,
This is the first time I stumbled upon you amazing blog. Awesome! Really, I have been really floored.
Also really good to see those on the kitchen stuffs.
I sometimes write about manipuri food at e-pao MB.
@ Mika: I have blogged about it too.And, it was awesome.. Liked it better than Gajjar counterpart..
I ate the whole lot alone GEEE
@ Ta Thambou: It is really great to see you here. I also cook great manipuri recipes but I dn't usualy write many manipuri recipes where the ingredients won't be available easily to my readers... I have even grown Marois at my place.. and have a stock of every possible items..
It was amazing to see the name on my comments.. lol
Hey! Did you try it out yet? It doesn't take long and is really great with the red carrots you get in Bombay. I have to make do with orange carrots, which make up in color what they lack in flavor.
Oh!!! I sure will try it out soon... I got me the peanuts right after that, and then I somehow used it for a lot of other things.. Like even tried zhunka with Peanutes lol. It was great... Actually i haven't been able to do a lot of cooking these days... most of my post are from the draft.. i did a marathon cooking few months back and i still have about 10 dishes in the picture folder..thx for reminding
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