Curry Mela 5
5 because I have been doing this mela for the 5th week(end), with the name of Culinlinkus, which I have decided to rechristen to Curry Mela, the weekend links of Anthony's favorite recipes. If you want any of your recipes to be entered in the next weekend's Curry Mela, please feel free to leave a comment or send me a mail, I shall post it next weekend. I am posting this a little early this week because I will away this weekend for some official Break. I won't be accesing net for 3 day.
[Warning: All pictures posted here are copyrighted by the respective blog owners that I have linked back to. No one may copy the pictures from this post, if you wish to borrow a picture, do so with permission from the respective Blogger who owns the post and the Picture. All pictures have been linked back to respective owners]
So... Welcome to the Curry Mela-5...
And yeah, the Pictures are Hyperlinked to the recipe..
Let me start this weekend event with this amazing Recipe of Unripe Bananas. A very healthy, and very tasty Food. BTW, Ammani, You haven't answered my tag yet.[Chef: Ammani]

This is Lulu's Kashmiri Rajma, looking amazing. She is cooking up a storm in London I guess.[Chef: Lulu]
Check it out and see for yourself what this beautiful picture is at Kay's. It is just as tasty.[ Chef: Kay]
This is the famous bisi bele bath of Bangalore Sagars or Darshinis. Sailu's cooked it up very well for the same even I have been talking about here. lol. [ Chef: Sailu]
Another bath here, the kesari bath, uhmm I miss Bangalore. Maybe I will go later this year for a year or so... Amazing dessert, but taken during breakfast as well.. [ Chef: Lera]
And don't miss this Mushrooms Prawn Bhoona from route 79. Let me tell you one thing about this blog, the way the pictures are laid out and the recipes written with an effort that have made me love the blog. Amamzing blog I say, and amazing presentation. I give this blog a 10 on 10. It should be converetd into proper Food blog.. .. That pic above is just the final picture. Check out the step by step picture presentation.. [chef: Jag-Route79]
However much I love brinjal, I guess I haven't had brinjal since I started Blogging so i can only thank priya for posting this amazing brinjal recipe. Shall be cooked without further ado... [ chef: Priya of sugar and spices]
This amazing Rajma Preparation from MyDhaba is next on the list of bachelor cooking.. [ Chef: Head Chef VKN]
This amazing desi burger, is from the house of Mahanandi, and the picture was copyrighted. I hope since I gave linkback, its fine.. *smiles*[ Chef: Indira Dear]
This yummy looking masala toast is an excellent food for thought from Ashwini's. [chef: Ashwini]

By now everybody knows about my sweet tooth, so imagine my happiness when I saw this Beet ka halwa, another halwa I can try out.. [Chef: Mika]
Meena have prepared some excellent puris on her new Blog, I just love puris with Aloo subzee ( My love for aloo lol)
[ Chef: Meena]
Ceylon Kozhi Curry, though a picture hasn't been posted who needs pictures when you are cooking Country chicken or local chicken. Hi Courtney, it was what we call desi chicken in India, the local variety, tastes extremely good.[Chef: Alvin]
Kapil of Khana Peena cooked up this amazing combo of tomato soup and malaysian Noodles. [Chef : Kapil]
Pudina sandwiches from vantakalu, amazing arrangement, not to mention that I used to eat pudina sandwiches almosts everyday not many months back. [ Chef: Raji ]
This Paneer pilaf was another recipe already posted in another event lol... But I couldn't let it pass. It was Paneer after all... [ Chef: Nupur]
Ah Gini, saying that this Pistachio looks Yummy would be an understatement, and the recipe I could read, but how did you take this amazing picture. Could learn that from you. [ Chef: Gini]
Lastly a feast for the eye, this sunday spread at Meenal's, and lots more at the post.[not a recipe though]
[ A little request. If it is not much trouble, Please do endorse this event on your respective blogs, this is, if you did liked it.]
Technorati tag:: Curry Mela
hey anthony
thanks for puttign my devilled eggs on your blog:)
great job and my recipe's coming up soon :-)
Thanks for the link Tony. Curry mela looks more colorful now with recipe pictures.
Kindly note that all pictures and contents of My Dhaba are copyrighted stuff. I request you to kindly mention the copyright info just to avoid any plagiarism by others.
@ meenal, it was my pleasure..
@ VKN, thanks for the kind words and thanks again for pointing out the copyright stuff. It was execatly why I have back linked all the pictures. I have also updated the post with the warning info. Thanks
To All: I will reply to comments on tuesday or monday.. but please do leave comments... They keep me going LOL
woo tony...first time i am attending ur Curry Mela...this seems to be alot of fun...this blog is one hellva place...i have already started enjoying cooking now...thanks to u..
That's a great curry mela round up,Anthony.Thank you!
Curry Mela - the new title is much better, Anthony and the roundup with photos, very appealing to the eyes, good work.
My blogs photos are appearing in Indian newspapers without my consent, that's why I copyrighted them all. For events like these, you are more than welcome to add the image. :)
Curry Mela - is more interesting than the previous name :)
This weekly round up of yours is very interesting and gives us a peek into some kitchesn that we may have missed during blog hopping. Thanks Anthony!
Great picks and wonderful presentation. I had been drooling over all of those by way of blog hopping and here I got the opportunity to do so once more. lol.
Just a question. Are you going to restrict the event only to Indian entries?
Curry mela is aptly named for the weekend round ups of all the exotic culinary spread you have showcased.Anthony it's a yummilicious post :)
Great round up of recipes as always, Anthony! A celebration of curry, indeed. Thanks for the link.
About the tag, I'm such a bore when it comes to making lists, why don't I just stick to recipes? Please? Thanks so much for tagging me.
@ Mehak: thanks and yes, even I have started to enjoy much more after the blog was started.. Otheriwse living alone, i had resorted to eating different Khichdi everyday( khichdi with diff veg everyday lol), and thanks to you all for the support and sweet comments.
@ Sailu: My pleasure.. thanks
@ Indira: That is very nice of you thanks..and which paper was that?? you could sue them..
@ kay: thanks a lot, it was indeed a pleasure.
@Courtney: My pleasure again...
@ Parna: I am glad you liked it.. I will try to make it better :-) with words like yours pouring in..
@ Sury: Thanks Sury.. And i will get good recipes from global bloggers too lol, if the recipes are easy enough to cook by all.. OK
@ Lera: Thank you very much..yummylicious indeed!
@ Ammani: thanks again... but it was very sweet tag though sob sob.. LOL
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