Winter Special- Anthony's Chicken Pepper Capsicum

How does it look. Well it was 600 gms of dressed chicken( undressed would be around 800-900) and I finished alone. Been a few days since I cooked. I even posted it, with a really long post, about what I love in winter et al... and I clicked publish and it returned website not found... YRRRRRRRGGGGG... and it was a very beautiful post. When I pressed back on the browser, it was long gone. I got so yengry, I didn't want to post it and I been busy too.. Been at a client's place for requirement study and they didn't give net acess to us. Security reasons being a financial services company. So no post, and my net at home is still dial up via my Mobile phone, and so the page not found. It was loss of so many words.......
By the way, why do we call clean and undressed chicken meat as dressed chicken. Point to ponder.
And yeah this is my contribution to Meena's call from the rasoi.

I thought of what I had to post, because winter reminded of so many traditional dishes which I don't want to post here since you won't get the ingredients to cook them. And another thing, it is still warm, well hot in Mumbai specially in the afternoons, though mornings have been chill.
Winter is about Sarsong ka preparations, we love many dishes of sarsong(Mustard leaves) and no we never eat sarsong da saag, I mean not traditionally. We make a stew kind of dish rather with dried fish.
Try it, boil water with one onion chopped and ginger finely chopped. Also add some green chillis and red chillis. Boil well, and add 4-5 pieces of fried fish. Now add the mustard leaves shredded by the hand into 2 inches long leaves. Add salt and have with rice.
Have pakoras as a side dish, in the winter. It's supreme.
All fishes taste good in winter, specially my kheema like fish preparation, but we leave the cooked dish overnight and next day it forms into a jelly like preparation. We call it ngaren, a never-miss-in-the-winter dish. Specially if it is Buwal Macch.
Prepare at night, just leave it as it is, and then have it in the brunch with rice.
With freeze, I now have it even in Summer but nothing like a genuine weather cooled Dish, had in the sunshine.
Why I chose the particular dish for winter is simple. I wanted to give a simple dish that was easy to cook, and something I often prepare during the cold of winter. I wanted to give another dish made out of tandoori chicken, but then this pepper capsicum dish is what reminds me of Winter. The best thing about this preparation is that it will make you warm, and the pepper will clear your throat and nose if you have become victim to the chill already.
And it turned out so yummy, I ate like a Pig. Finished everything.
How I cooked?
Took 600 Grams of chiken cut into smaller than usual pieces. 1 inch cubes!
Half a cup of Greeen peas( Ah I love peas, another winter vegetable)
I can have peas with everthing, and BTW it turned out really nice I told you!!
Two capsicum cut into 1 square inch pieces.
One medium size potato cut into 1/2 inch cubes.( You may not add the potato, but I love potato in chicken)
Two medium tomatoes chopped roughly.
2/3 bayleaves and 2/3 cloves
1 tsp black pepper freshly ground into a rough powder.
1 tsp each dhania powder and jeera powder.
3 green chillis sliced into halves.
1 large onion finely chopped.
1 TBS ginger garlic paste( I prefer freshly ground rough paste).
In a frying pan or kadhai, heat oil and add two bayleaves and two cloves.
Add the onions, fry for a few minutes. Add the green chilli.
Don't wait till it is golden brown. Its ok if it becomes translucent.
Add the ginger garlic paste and fry for 30 seconds.
Add the chicken and stir well.
Fry for a 10 minutes and add the potatoes.
Cover it. Cook for 5 minutes and open it.
Now add the dhania-jeera powder, half tsp of turmeric, half tsp of chilli powder
and stir well. Add the black pepper powder.
Add the capsicum and tomatoes and mix and then cover the pan and cook.
Open and stir from time to time. When oil and the meat separates it is done.
If you put potatoes, check if potatoes are done .
Garnish with half a cup of finely chopped coriander
Enjoy...... and do tell me after you have cooked it.
PS: Meena's dish was not an inspiration though I would love to have been inspired.
I am not too fond of chinese.
I also have been tagged by a foodie doctor.
Update: Thalassamikra have also tagged me on this.
I have list down my favorite foods and if possible the recipes. Hmm!!!
First of all I am not much of a critic, and in Manipur, when one is asked how the food was?, it is often replied as," Ah!! It is said that you shouldn't ever say food was bad". Lol what was he implying.
I love gourmet food, but lemme stick to more traditional and bachelor kind of food here, because Gourmet food I can give a pass anyday over a Maccher Paturi, or Elish macch in mustard. Ahh How I love it.
My favorite lists:
1. Nothing beats a Chital macch Kalia, a sweetish fish preparation.
2. Hilsa/Elish macch steamed in mustard.
3. Grilled Pork Chops.
4. Steak. yummmm.
5. Fish paturi: Boneless fish wrapped in plaitain leaf and cooked in charcoal (right? Parna)
6. OOTTI: White peas cooked with baking soda. Yummm haven't you tried it???
7. Minched fish curry. Wow I am such a fish lover.
8. Chicken Tandoori and Hyderabadi Biryani, anyday.
9. Prawn pakodas.. mama Mia
10. Tuna Salad at Subway's...( At least twice a week)
I love veg dishes too... Mostly salads tough, not the fake ones.
And Dhoklas, and Thepla's and Rava idli, and Fries.
Ah!!! Daal makhani...
Butter paneer? well, ok.
My mirror here.
Update: My Home, Manipur Blog Updated
Yummy!!!! I'm gonna try this..
Sounds like a nice combo! a quick add on to my must try list.
Sounds like a nice combo! a quick add on to my must try list.
Interesting recipe,Anthony.Thanks for sharing.
hey tina, please try and give feedback soon.
@ Lera: thx for visiting. Its very simple and filling
@ Sailu: All my recipes are for all to try lol....
Anthony! *hugs* you are a life saver. I have this huge number of packets with chicken breasts in the freezer ( as no one likes it in the family) and this recipe was like god send!! yummmmmmmm
p.s. I sprinkled some lime juice for yummy effect.
You really do love your fish Anthony :). I wish I could love Hilsa as much as you do, alas, I'm a lesser Bengali for it.
Yeah. Even I am not very particular about my fish.
I really like this new banner. It suits this site :)
hi anthony,
I just made the winter chicken dish this weekend and it was awesome! In the US, I feel the green peppers don't have as much flavor..and so i used these long hot peppers which have a slight bite to it. Thanks for the recipe!
WoW, very cool Thanks, this recipe is deffently on my do list:)
Mate - stumbled upon your site recently and was delighted to discover these easy to make recipes.
This one looked yummy so tried my hand at it - though the end result looks nothing like yours :)
1. Are we not supposed to add water? I was forced to as at one stage, my dish was in danger of getting burnt.
2. Ditto about salt. How much?
Else it was cool - thanks
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